Council manages its finances through an Annual Budget, which identifies the expected revenue and expenditure for each financial year. The Budget is the means by which Council makes a formal commitment of resources to provide funding for services and projects. The draft Annual Budget 2022/2023 has been prepared in alignment with the key strategic objectives and strategies in the Council Plan 2021-2025.

Key features of the draft Budget 2022/2023 include:

  • Keeping our average rate rise to the 1.75% cap set under the Victorian Government’s Fair Go Rates System for 2022/2023.
  • Setting the fees we charge for many of our discretionary (user-pay) services on a cost recovery basis, rather than the cost of these services being subsidised by ratepayers.
  • Maintaining a debt-free position, with no loan repayments or loan borrowings forecast for the financial year.
  • Funding a number of important new operational initiatives that will help us achieve our goals under our Council Plan 2021-2025, including
    • $50,000 to strengthen our Maternal and Child Health services, to better support the community and our nurses.
    • Funds to continue the implementation of Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan.
    • $35,000 for the creation of a masterplan to enhance the recreational and environmental values around the Lake Eildon Pondage.
    • $34,000 for initiatives to support business recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, including an investment attraction prospectus for the accommodation sector, a business skills and training program and promotion of private investment opportunities in Murrindindi Shire.
    • $50,000 to support the implementation of initiatives outlined in Council’s Climate Action Plan.
    • Continuing grants and contributions program to support community projects and the community groups that work so tirelessly to advance them.
  • Allocating $18.8 million to capital works projects, including, but not limited to, the following projects
    • Snobs Creek Road Widening Project ($600,000)
    • Bridge replacement at the Yea Caravan Park ($400,000)
    • The Great ARTdoors Project - art installations and signage ($1,100,000)
    • Blue Gums to Eildon Recreational Trail ($1,300,000)
    • Alexandra Rotary Park and Visitor Activity Precinct ($900,000)
    • Alexandra Landfill Expansion Project ($3,000,000)
    • Kinglake Closed Landfill Rehabilitation Project ($1,500,000)
    • Further Kinglake Streetscape Works (following Kinglake Village development) ($150,000)
    • Yea Recreation Reserve Football Pavilion Upgrade Project ($220,000)
    • Upgrades to a number of recreation, leisure and sporting club buildings across the Shire ($1,778,000)
    • Improvement works across the Shire’s four swimming pools ($830,000)

Our Approach

The draft Budget 2022/2023 has been prepared using the format required by Local Government Victoria to ensure compliance with Sections 93 and 94 of the Local Government Act 2020.

How to get involved

Council is pleased to present the draft Annual Budget 2022/2023 for community feedback. Submissions are invited from community members about the draft Budget. Submissions must be received by 5.00 pm on Friday 13 May 2022.

If you would like to speak to Council about your submission, you can do so, either in person or virtually, at a Scheduled Meeting of Council on at 6.00 pm on Wednesday 25 May, which will be held at the Alexandra Council Chambers. If you do not wish to speak to your submission, a Council officer will read your submission on your behalf for consideration at the Council Meeting.

Council will consider all submissions. You will receive a written response to your submission once the Budget is adopted.