We are run purely by volunteers.
We offer maps booklets and provide local knowledge by speaking and helping visitors and newcomers to the shire when they visit our centre.VERY IMPORTANT TO KEEP OUR TOWN ALIVE.We also support local businesses by retailing locally made crafts, gifts, soaps, jam, cards and books etc.

What opportunities are there?

Volunteers will find this very rewarding and enjoy a great feeling helping this wonderful community.

  • Full training is given, you will be supported until comfortable to work solo.
  • Spend some time supporting our local towns and shire, promoting tourism and helping keep our community alive.
  • Selling local products and craft
  • Giving visitors - local knowledge, eg markets, waterfalls, walks, rides, camping and accommodation and so much more.

What benefits do volunteers bring to your group and organisation?

Volunteers are an integral part of the successful running service to our community. They bring local knowledge and bring a positive welcoming attitude to promote our area and tourism.

River scene