Currently, women and girls across Victoria do not have equal access to community sport and recreation, including in Murrindindi Shire. We want to increase opportunities and the participation rates of women, girls and others.

We're asking for feedback on actions Council can take to ensure that sport and recreation facilities are welcoming, equitable, safe and inclusive for all.

We would like to speak to a range of people who participate, or would like to participate, in sport or recreation activities, including women and girls, men and boys, people from multicultural communities, members of the LGBTIQ+ community, people with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

You can also submit your feedback on the project by completing our online survey.

Key Dates

Wednesday 8 November 2023 (Cancelled)

In person

5.30 pm

Due to low registrations this workshop has been cancelled.

Thursday 9 November 2023 (Cancelled)


5.30 pm

Due to low registrations this workshop has been cancelled.